Supportive Care Clinic

St Vincent’s Hospice cares for and supports people in Renfrewshire and the adjoining areas of North Ayrshire who are living with a life limiting illness.  We also support their carers and other loved ones.

Supportive Care Clinic

The Supportive Care Clinic is based at St Vincent’s Hospice. We offer appointments for an assessment by one of our Doctors or Nurse Specialists. Patients referred to the clinic usually have a life-limiting illness (which can include a wide range of conditions) but that doesn’t imply anything about prognosis. We support some patients for many years as well as those for whom time may be shorter. 

You can be referred to the clinic by your GP or another healthcare professional, and our aim is to improve any symptoms you might have, such as pain, nausea, breathlessness, anxiety, and many more. We can also provide support to you and your family, including by helping you to plan for your future health and care needs if you wish.  

At your appointment, the doctor/nurse will review your medical history and ask you questions about the issues you are facing. You will have an opportunity to discuss treatment options and ask questions before a plan is agreed with you. Afterwards, we will communicate with your GP and Hospital Specialist to ensure they are up to date. 

We know that there can be a lot of information to take in at appointments, so we will usually arrange a follow up for you within a few weeks. 

If you would like to find out more about how the Supportive Care Clinic, please get in touch using our contact form.  If you’d like to make a referral, please use our referral form.

Supportive Care Clinic


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