Mindful Medicine at The Hub

Dear, Monday and Thursday attendees!
September – December 2024
While you are having a quick tea and coffee break from your wonderful activities, enjoy a bite sized treat from our Triage Nurse Linzi, who will be delivering her 30 minute ‘Mindful Medicine’ sessions before you get back to it. 🙂 
Linzi will be flexible with the start time based on your activity, so this may vary. 
Please see our flyer outlining the proposed topics. 
Additionally, If you are a patient out in the community with a life limiting condition and have an interest in these sessions or like the look of our day hospice please get in touch and we can’t support you with the next steps.
Hope to see you there! ❤️

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    St. Vincent’s Hospice Ltd trading as St. Vincent’s Hospice is a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 150148 Scottish Charity Number SC006888
    Website by KP Kreative