Mindful Medicine

Welcome to Mindful Medicine!
If you live with a life limiting condition, or perhaps care for someone who does; we invite you to join us at The Wellbeing Hub for our short, snappy and informative 1 hour support sessions on various health and wellbeing topics.
Led by our Triage Nurse, Linzi. Every Monday from the 10th February – 3rd March between 11:30am- 12:30pm
Additionally, If you are a patient out in the community with a life limiting condition and have an interest in these sessions or like the look of our services; please get in touch and we can’t support you with the next steps.
Hope to see you there! 💙
Monday 10th- REST WELL
What is restorative sleep and how does this impact me, my body and overall wellbeing? What can I do?
We will discuss what fills your cup; sometimes all you need is to smile, laugh, and feel joy in unsettled times. It sounds easy, but hard to picture. Where can we find joy in every-day life? Exploring mindful moments.
Monday 24th – TRUST YOUR GUT
What is the gut microbiome and its influence on your health and mental wellbeing? We will touch upon your natural chemistry and dietary and medicinal impact on it.
Everyone has a plan. What’s yours? How can we work together and best capture your best wishes?

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    St. Vincent’s Hospice Ltd trading as St. Vincent’s Hospice is a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 150148 Scottish Charity Number SC006888
    Website by KP Kreative